Manejo Del Dolor en Austin

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En DPC nos esforzamos por hallar la razón que causa tu dolor aunque sea un problema complejo. Te escuchamos y queremos saber todos los antecedentes desde cómo empezó, hasta los detalles más mínimos para tener un historial completo y detallado. Nuestros exámenes físicos y análisis nos ayudan a entender todas las posibles causas de tu dolor

Después, nuestros especialistas en dolor de Austin te recomiendan diversos tratamientos que varían desde inyecciones de esteroides hasta terapias integradas. Nos enfocamos en usar todas las herramientas posibles para aliviar tu dolor por completo. Si es necesario también te podemos recomendar con un doctor cirujano. Nuestra especialidad es diagnosticar y manejar tu dolor para brindar un alivio seguro y duradero. Los tratamientos que ofrecemos son de acuerdo a tu estilo de vida por esa razón nos gusta colaborar con el paciente y llegar a una solución que le beneficie a él y a su rutina cotidiana.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be caused by symptoms of aging, the shoulder joint itself, or any of the surrounding muscles, ligaments or tendons.

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Thoracic Pain

Thoracic Pain

The thoracic spine refers to the middle and upper back regions. It joins the cervical spine (neck), extending down about 5 inches past the bottom of the shoulder blades, where it connects to the lumbar spine (lower back).

Made up of 12 vertebrae, the thoracic spine is designed for stability and plays an integral role in holding the body upright and protecting vital organs in the chest. The thoracic spine differs from the cervical and lumbar spine in a number of ways, most notably, its limited flexibility. The rib cage is attached to each level of the thoracic spine, providing rigidity and decreasing range of motion. Compared to the higher-mobile cervical and lumbar regions of the spine, problems like disc herniation are actually not as common in the thoracic spine.

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Wrist Pain

Wrist Pain

Wrist pain is common with aging or repetitive tasks. Carpal tunnel syndrome causes aching, numbness, and weakness. Arthritis can make wrists tender and swollen. Splints, compresses, injections, and physical therapy are all common wrist pain treatments.

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Ankle Pain

Ankle Pain

Ankle pain stems from aging, wear and tear from daily use, or injury to the bones, ligaments, or tendons. Ice, compression, injections, and rest are all common ankle pain treatments.

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Head Pain


Headaches are one of the top pain-related health complaints of Americans. Nearly everyone gets headaches, it’s just a matter of how often and to what degree of severity. Headaches are more than just irritating, they can have a severely negative impact on your quality of life, impairing your ability to work productively and enjoy interactions with others. Understandably, we see a high number of patients at the Diagnostic Pain Center who are seeking headache treatment in Austin.

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Back Pain

Back Pain

Back pain is a common ailment for a large majority of the population. Many people consistently perform tasks that exert the muscles, nerves and ligaments of their back and spine. When they overexert these essential components, it more or less causes the upper and lower back to degenerate.

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Hip Pain

Hip Pain

As we age, hip cartilage can wear down, and the muscles and tendons can eventually become more damaged. Broken bones, bursitis, and arthritis can contribute to hip pain as we age.

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Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain is common with injury, arthritis, gout, and infections. Physical therapy, knee braces, injections, and surgical repair are common knee pain treatments.

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Neck Pain

Neck Pain

The neck is a complex structure that is often the source of muscle soreness and tension. In fact, neck pain is a very common complaint among many of our Austin patients. Being the most flexible region of the spine, the neck can be more prone to injury from sports and accidents wherein the neck is overstretched or strained. However, neck pain can also arise from things like poor posture, sleeping wrong, stress and the natural aging process.

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Dr. Marks is a compassionate, knowledgeable, and professional doctor. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing him personally as well as recommending my mother who was visiting from out of town and in a tremendous amount of lower back pain. Dr. Marks in true form took the time to examine and ask plenty of questions to pinpoint the cause of the pain, as well as provide care and relief. Thank you Dr. Marks!

Adrian Herschberg

Dr. Marks is quite possibly the best doctor I have ever encountered. Not only is he compassionate but he is extremely thorough. He gets to the root of your problem so that he can fix the pain instead of just prescribing medications with dangerous side effects. I feel like my health is a priority to him. If you are struggling with pain and feel helpless, go see Dr. Marks. He will help you in any way that he can.

Lisa Marie Johnson

I was in a bad auto accident 2 years ago that has caused me chronic pain. I have seen several doctor’s, but I never felt like I was getting proper help. Dr. Marks is different. His consultation and exam are lengthy and that shocked me. Dr. Marks is extremely professional and thorough…he is the best doctor I’ve ever had.

Angel Irvin
American Board of AnesthesiologyInternational Neuromodulation SocietyNorth American Neuromodulation SocietyTexas Medical AssociationAmericas Best DoctorThreeBest Best BusinessUS News and World Report Top Doctor

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